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The dogs habitually sleep in the morning, play in the afternoon, and eat in the evening.

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Q: The dogs habitually sleep in the morning play in the afternoon and eating in the evening?
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What would correctly revise this sentence in terms of parallelism The dogs habitually sleep in the morning play in the afternoon and eating in the evening?

The dogs habitually sleep in the morning, play in the afternoon, and eat inthe evening

What do they enjoy doing during shabbat?

If "they" are Jews, they might enjoy eating several meals, plus worship services on Friday evening, Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon-evening. The Shabbat morning service takes most of the morning and has study and singing as well as prayers. I think it's fun, but there are people who get bored. Saturday afternoon is a good time for a walk, or board games, or reading, or even a nap. When I had a dog, Saturday afternoons were a fun time for a very long dog walk. He liked that alot.

What times should a ten year old eat and not eat?

Breakfast, a mid morning snack, lunch, mid afternoon snack, early evening meal and possibly a snack before bed. No eating between meals and the snacks should be timed after exercise periods.

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Would eating at different times improve your diet?

Yes. Eating in the morning AFTER you wake will get your body going, therefore it is easier to digest your food. Eating late at night will put on fat and will only add to the calories. It willl just sit inside your stomach at night, and wont digest. Eating during the day, in the morning and in the early evening is the best time.

When do deer eat?

Deer typically eat early in the morning and in the afternoon. In the morning they eat at about 5:00-8:00. In the afternoon the are out eating from about 3:30-5:00.

When do Jews worship their god?

This is an interesting question. In a way, Jewish people worship God 24/7 except when asleep, by living by God's laws as found in Torah. Because Judaism is considered in its purest sense, a way of life, not just a "religion". But incorporated into the day of an Orthodox Jew are morning prayers, a morning service, an afternoon service, an evening service, evening prayers, and special prayers and services on Shabbat, which in our world is Friday evening to Saturday evening. Virtually every activity has an associated prayer, including eating and drinking, so God is worshipped at those times too. By the way, the God that the Jewish people worship is the same God as the Christians and Muslims worship.

Why does your child eat lint?

Pica is an eating disorder in which a person habitually eats non nutritive substances.

What are cheetahs eating schedule?

afternoon time.

What is the meal which we take after 11 am?

Late morning eating is considered brunch if you plan not eating again until dinner it is Lunch and breakfast in one. Lunch is normally noon and on . Evening usually dinner. Unless you are a grave shift person.

How can apples be healthy or unhealthy?

Apples are healthy in food. As a proverb:"An Apple a day keeps the Doctor away". And my Father Prof. Mohammad Idress Khan Lodhi says that "Eating apple in Morning is Gold; in Evening is Silver;and in Night is Soil. Means best in morning,better in evening and no benefit in night. Apple should be eaten in morning.It contain

What does the average person do 3 times a day?

There are several things that the average person will do three times a day. One of these should include eating food as it's normal for people to eat breaking in the morning, lunch in the early afternoon and then dinner in the later afternoon or at night. Aside from eating, many people might use the restroom at least three times a day as well.