The term nutrient describes substances that are required by the body to live and function. Foods are comprised of various nutrient values (some better than others). By ingesting food, our bodies are able to absorb the necessary nutrients to maintain regular body function.
there is no differece
There are 6 groups of nutrients: protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals, and water. All foods are made up of these 6 nutrients.
what is the difference between undigested food and metabolic waste
Weight is the force that gravity pulls down on an object.Fat is a nutrient.
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Is alchohol a food nutrient explain why
My food stays on my plate.
What's the difference between food preservatives and processed food.
get back to your science assessment
get back to your science assessment
the answer is the food nutrients si do with producers if the food is constructed of nutrient cycle?
There isn't a big difference between the food chain and food web. This is just a different way of drawing out the same concept.