A semi-automatic firearm will only fire one round per trigger pull, then the trigger must be released and pulled again to fire the next round. A fully automatic firearm will fire as many rounds as it has available as long as the trigger is pulled.
A semiautomatic firearm fires one shot with each pull of the trigger. A fully automatic firearm is a machinegun. When you pull the trigger, the weapon will fire until the trigger is released, or it runs out of ammo. There are forms of full auto firearms that fire a predetermined number of shots with each trigger pull- usually 3. This is known as "burst" fire- but is in the same LEGAL class as fully automatic.
Semi is one trigger pull one bullet Fully is one trigger pull many bullets
Game laws are set by each state. I do not know of any state that will permit the use of a fully automatic firearm for hunting.
A fully automatic weapon means you can hold down the trigger and it will continuously fire. Semiautomatic means you fire one round for each pull of the trigger. A selective fire weapon is capable of fully automatic fire, and lets you select between the two. To own a fully automatic weapon in the US, you need a Class III National Firearms Act tax stamp for the firearm. The importation of fully automatic weapons for civilian sales was barred in 1968, and the domestic manufacture of fully automatic weapons for civilian sales was barred in 1986 - however, weapons of either type manufactured before the effective date of their import/manufacture can still legal be transferred between licenced civilian owners.
NC has a permit system for fully automatic firearm, as does the Federal government in ALL states. IF the proper permits are obtained, it is legal, If they are not obtained, possession of a fully automatic firearm is good for 10 years in a Federal prison, and a $10,000 fine.
G3 is a military fully automatic weapon, the HK 91 is the semi-automatic civilian version.
Yes, provided the firearm itself is legally obtained.
Idaho does not prohibit possession of either a semi-automatic rifle, nor a fully automatic rifle (machine gun) Fully automatic firearms are regulated under Federal law in ALL states. Possession of a fully automatic firearm is legal in Idaho so long as the gun has been registered with the Federal BATFE.
Yes, they are legal under State law. Idaho state law does not prohibit ownership of fully automatic firearms by private citizens. However, Federal law requires that any fully automatic firearm have been registered with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
Owning or possessing a fully automatic firearm is not illegal under state law, but is still illegal under federal law unless the automatic firearm is registered under the National Firearms Act. Local and State authorities are not obligated to enforce federal firearms law or notify federal authorities of federal firearms law violations, however they may, or may not, choose to do so.
Game laws vary country to country (we get questons from several nations) and, in the US, state to state. However, I do not know of any place when fully automatic firearms CAN legally be used for hunting. Check YOUR game laws.
An illegal firearm can be anything that is modified to fire fully automatic or a non licensed suppressed or fully auto weapon as well as anything labeled as a destructive device ( cannon, grenade, 20mm rifle etc.) without proper firearms license and tax stamp. Also, it can be as simple as: any firearm you don't legally possess.