The source of the energy. In nuclear weapons it comes from the nucleus of the atoms, in conventional weapons it comes from the electrons orbiting the atoms.
Or, another way to say it is that nuclear weapons depend on release of sub-atomic energy while conventional explosives rely on chemical energy. In a conventional explosive, the energy comes from breaking the bonds of complex multi-atom molecules, taking one complex molecule and turning it into several smaller, simple molecules. In a nuclear weapon, the bonds holding individual neutrons and protons together inside a single atom's nucleus are broken or changed, resulting in a whole new atom (or several new atoms). Nuclear fission takes a single, large atom and breaks it into two smaller atoms (plus several neutrons). Nuclear fusion takes two very small atoms and creates a slightly larger atom (plus a free neutron or proton).
The differences is that the bonds between atoms in a molecule are much, much weaker than the bonds between subatomic particles. Several thousand times, in fact, so breaking just one sub-atomic bond results in the same amount of energy released as from breaking thousands of molecular bonds.
Besides the difference in energy source, a chemical weapon really only produces two effects: a blast wave and a thermal wave. A nuclear weapon, however, produces four effects: blast wave, thermal wave, "pure" radiation (gamma/X-Rays, etc., plus the associated EMP), and radioactive by-products.
A nuclear weapon detonation involves a chain reaction of nuclear fission or fusion reactions, releasing a vast amount of energy in the form of heat, light, and radiation. This results in a much larger explosion compared to conventional explosives, which rely on chemical reactions for energy release. The destructive power and long-term effects of a nuclear detonation can be far more significant than those of a conventional explosion.
An explosion is a sudden release of energy outward, causing a rapid expansion of gases. Detonation is a specific type of explosion where the energy release occurs through a supersonic shockwave. In other words, all detonations are explosions, but not all explosions are detonations.
Conventional resources of energy are those that have been traditionally used, such as fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), while non-conventional resources are newer sources like solar, wind, and geothermal energy. Non-conventional resources are typically renewable and have lower environmental impact compared to conventional resources. Transitioning to non-conventional resources can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and decrease dependence on finite resources.
Knocking is a rattling noise caused by abnormal combustion in the engine, typically due to improper fuel octane or ignition timing. Detonation is a more severe form of knocking where the air-fuel mixture explodes rather than burns, leading to increased pressure and temperature that can damage the engine. Both can be harmful to the engine and should be addressed promptly.
Standoff distance is intended to prevent sympathetic detonation between two operating buildings containing explosives. It is the minimum distance required to ensure that accidentally detonating explosives in one building will not cause a chain reaction leading to detonation of explosives in another building.
Conventional energy sources are traditional sources like fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) and nuclear power. Non-conventional energy sources are renewable sources like solar, wind, geothermal, and hydro power that are more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Conventional sources are finite and contribute to pollution, while non-conventional sources are more sustainable and have lower environmental impact.
Yes, the conventional explosives would trigger an explosion of the conventional explosives inside the nuclear bomb which would blow apart the nuclear components of the nuclear bomb, causing significant alpha emitter radiological contamination but no nuclear yield.
An explosion is a sudden release of energy outward, causing a rapid expansion of gases. Detonation is a specific type of explosion where the energy release occurs through a supersonic shockwave. In other words, all detonations are explosions, but not all explosions are detonations.
When the engine detonates its referring to the engine giving spark to the compressed air/fuel in the cylinder, when theres combustion its simply the explosion that happens after ignition.
both are the same thing..............
Detonation involves a supersonic exothermic. Knocking in a engine is spark-ignition internal combustion.
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There is no difference between unconventional and non-conventional. You can use both either of these words to reference something that is not considered the norm.
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The price difference between a conventional truck and one with a lift is an estimated $4000 difference. The $4000 includes the lift for the truck as well as the wheels that are needed to go with it.