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Q: The condition of an excessive accumulation of fat in the body is known as?
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Acidosis is a condition in which the pH of the blood is lower than normal, typically due to an accumulation of acids or a loss of bases. Alkalosis is the opposite, when the blood pH is higher than normal, usually caused by excessive loss of acids or accumulation of bases. Both conditions can have serious consequences on the body's functioning and require medical intervention.

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What is excessive body and facial hair in women called?

This condition is known as 'Hirsutism'- Excessive hair growth in women. I suffer from this condition myself! Hirsutism may be caused by many different factors, but the 2 most common & well-known causes are: polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) & idiopathic hirsutism. Would definately be beneficial to look up more information on the web, or to see a gynaecologist, as there may be a further underlying problem or condition which can result in other health problems too.

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Fatty liver disease is an accumulation of triglyceride fat in the liver cells. Fatty liver disease is a reversible condition, and does not spread to other parts of the body.

What is the medical term meaning excessive accumulation of fat in the body?

LipedemaFluid and fat are two different types of fluids, and the terminology is separated accordingly. Accumulation of fluids depends on what type of fluid is: it's water, it can be a hydrocele, or it can be edema. This depends on the distribution of the water. Accumulation of fat is termed also according to distribution. If the fat is all in one area, it can be termed as an adipoma or lipoma, depending on how soft the accumulation is. Adipoma can be one large bump containing fat. Lipoma is usually a harder, more tumorous accumulation of fat, usually on the surface of the skin.

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