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Hurry up and find a doctor

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Q: The pencil pierced the child, what effect does it have on the body?
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Related questions

How old do you have to be to get a body pierced?


What is the 2nd most pierced body part?


What is the 3rd most pierced body part?

the tongue

Where is piercing done on the body?

Anywhere you want pierced.

Is there any body jewelry you can buy you don't have to be pierced to wear?

You can get the fake studs and body jewelry. You can even get the ones that have the clips so you don't have to be pierced. It is cheap but it works.

Meaning of pierced lip?

A pierced lip, there is no meaning, just a pierced lip. Body piercing, no matter where it is, is self expression. You either pierce yourself for show, maybe it means something to you.

What is the part of your body called where you get your belly button pierced?

Your navel

Is there a less painfull way too get your bellbutton pierced?

Yes have it pierced by and experianced Professional Body Piercer in a licensed and inspected facility.

Which part of body do people get pierced?

Whatever the hella they want ... mmmkaay..

In what kind of store can you get your belly button pierced?

Body Piercing Studio

Difference between adult child and infant airways?

A child's airway differs from that of an adult in that the child's tongue is proportionately larger in the oropharynx compered to that of an adult. Also, a child's airway is smaller and softer and more prone to foreign body obstruction. An infant's airway is smaller and softer still and the trachea is usually about the diameter of a pencil.

How do you get your nose pierced?

Go to a professional piercer. It will be virtually painless and will be better for you and your body.