You should probably downsize and start massaging your lobes with vitamin e oil twice daily.
no it shouldn't be Stretch down a size and wait a few weeks until you stretch up again. Some people's ears turn purple instead of red when irritated but if that isn't normal for you, downsize.
Yes, but for most people, that's kind of the point. Your earlobe is stretched out.
The mastoid process (often called the mastoid bone) is located behind the ear, part of the temporal bone in the skull. It serves as an attachment point for neck muscles and connects to structures in the middle ear
no. silkies have purple, or even a blackish skin. there earlobes are pretty torquise/blue! my roster even has a bright purple earlobe with eaks of blue! - srry about spelling
An earlobe fetish.
Royal purple is basically a deep purple with a slightly larger proportion of blue in it.
name the tissue on the earlobe
How do you fix a split earlobe?
Purple yam has a sweet and nutty flavor with a slightly earthy undertone.
A free earlobe is one that hangs down and is not connected to the side of the head by any tissue, giving it a dangling appearance. It is the most common type of earlobe shape.
Lobe de l'oreille
When the skin of your earlobe is attached to you skin on your head (upper jaw), it is called an attached earlobe. Earlobes that hang more freely are called unattached. They earlobe itself it not attached to your head, it is only attached to the bottom of your ear.