The chloroplasts store pigments. They are found only in plant cells, not animal cells. They store chlorophyll and other pigments.
Chromoplasts store red, yellow, or orange carotenoid pigments. They synthesize and store carotenoid pigments. For example, they are seen in carrots, tomatoes and red peppers.
Vacuoles store food or pigments in plant cells. They can hold water, nutrients, and waste products. Pigment-containing vacuoles give color to flowers and fruits.
Plastids are small structures that can store food (leukoplasts) or pigments (chromoplasts)
The plant organelles that store starches are called amyloplasts, while those that store lipids are called elaioplasts. Organelles containing pigments are called plastids, with chloroplasts containing chlorophyll (green pigment) and chromoplasts containing other colored pigments such as carotenoids.
The pigments formed during the Maillard reaction are called melanoidins. These pigments are responsible for the brown color and flavor development in cooked foods.
Chloroplasts house chlorophylls and other pigments.
The pigments melanin and carotene contribute to skin color. Carotene is found in foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes, apricots, spinach and broccoli.
The body does not store water-soluble vitamins from the foods we eat
Yes. it is also called Retinol (because it produces the pigments for the retina of the eye) and Carotenoids (dark colored pigments in plant foods, like carrots and spinach).