Steve Gonsalves's birth name is Stephen A. Gonsalves.
He was born on November 30th, 1999. Actually Steve was born October 23 Sometime in the 1970's
Steve Gonsalves is a popular TV personality, known for his part in the paranormal investigation show Ghost Hunters. It is unknown if Gonsalves has a wife or not.
From what I've read....................October 23rd, 1975. I only remember that because that's a month before my brother was born.
He's 35.
As of November 2010, Steve is currently a single man.
Steve Gonsalves is one of the lead investigators on Ghost Hunters. Although it appears that he solely focuses on ghost hunting now, he was previously a police officer.
Yes he does and they are HUGE
Gonsalves is a Portuguese-origin surname. Portugal, Brazil, Angola and East Timor could all be be possibilities.