the steps in the life of a star is the yellow dwarf,red giant,white dwarf & the black dwarf.
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The longest stage in a star's life cycle is the main sequence stage, where the star fuses hydrogen into helium in its core. This stage can last for billions of years for stars like the Sun.
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The "star life cycle" refers to stars. Earth is not a star.
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The steps of the Project Life Cycle includes five steps. These five steps are project initiation, project planning, development, implementation and project closure.
The steps in the diploid life cycle are meiosis, to gametes, to fertilization, to diploid, to reproductive cell. The main steps are Meiosis and Fertilization.
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The steps may vary to one life cycle to another.The main steps are requirements specification, designing, coding, testing and maintenance.
No star itself could support life, but a planet around a star like our own and as far away as Earth may have some sort of life on it.
No, it will spend most of it's life as a main sequence star.