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The legal age to get married in all of the states is 18. The Marine Corps expects their members to obey the laws of the states. They do not have marriage laws. Most states and countries will allow 16 and 17 year olds to get married with the permission of the parents. Younger is seldom allowed, but a few places allow it with a court order and parental permission.

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Q: Spouse age for marine corps marriage?
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What is the legal age to get married in the United States Marine Corps?

The age is 18

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In China, a marriage may be nullified for the following reasons: bigamy, spouse with a blood relationship, spouse with a disease imported to the marriage and spouse below the lawful age of marriage.

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Yes, Indeed you do not need any link or qualification with the marines, as long as your over 14 years of age, anyone can enter the Marine Corps Marathon

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The typical age of a Colonel in the Marine Corps varies. It would depend on a lot of motivating factors, career path, education, time in grade, etc. There isn't really an average age per se but I made Colonel at age 43 years old.

Can an enlisted male Marine age 19 date a civilian girl age 15 from the state of Texas?

It is very likely that the Marine Corps would prosecute your for statutory violations.

How can one get information about the annual Marine Corps Marathon?

Held annually in Arlington, Virginia, the Marine Corps Marathon is open to anyone over the age of 14 and will take place October 14th, 2013. Information about the event can be found at the Marine Marathon site.

Can you join the marine corps after you complete your junior year?

nope. you have to complete high school and be 18 years of age

Dear Sir or Madam. My name is Darrell Kenneth Chambers; I joined the Marine Corps when I was in high school. I couldn't go because of my back, I have scoliosis. I am now 40 years old, in good shape and again asking if I could be given the opportunity?

Hi Darrell, No, unfortunately you are not able to enlist in the Marine Corps at age 40. The maximum enlistment age for Active Marines is 28 and for the Marine Corps Reserve it's 29.

In NC can a member of the Marine Corps purchase a handgun if he or she is under the age of 21?

No you can't. Must be 21, Federal Law.

If a Marine dates a woman and she gets pregnant and later he finds out she is seventeen as opposed to what he thought her age was. Can the Marine Corps charge him?

Probably. The charge would depend on numerous factors.

What is the policy for the us marine corps for a marine marrying a minor?

They must be 18. It doesn't matter what the legal age of consent in the state is. It could be 15, but if you are a Marine, they MUST be 18. No appeals, nada. 18 or older.