Mfg 1974, 22 cal. fires at 543 FPS. Double pull trigger. 38 inches long, 5 lbs.
The Winchester model 425 was made for Winchester by "Meyer & Grammelspacher" of Germany. The value is determined by the condition of the rifle. without any information about the condition of the pellet rifle, no estimate of value can be determined.
The Winchester 425 was made around 1974. It fires a .22 cal pellet at 500 FPS. Please state the current condition of the rifle to get an estimate of value. Is it in poor, fair, good, very good or excellent condition?
The price of your winchester,new in the box is 425-450 dollars.
Your Winchester model 1894 which was made in 1970 and is unfired(100%)new condition is valued at 425 dollars.
Blue book gives $425 in 100% condition, 21,000 made. Value may rise a little with Winchester's closure.
Currently the Winchester line of air rifles is sold through Daisy air gun company. I suggest you start with them. See if they have a schematic that you can download. Or another idea is to contact an airgun repair shop (There are several independent repair shops that make a living repairing older air guns.) You can search the web for "airgun repair" or see the links below.
At the time of manufacture,your Rifle was priced between 425-500 dollars.
Your winchester model 12 pump shotgun was made by winchester in 1955.these shotguns are currently valued at between 250-425 dollars for a standard model with no cutts compensator and a good bore,in 12ga.If you have a 16ga then add 50 dollars to the above listed price.If you have a 20ga then add 200 dollars to the above listed price.These values assume you have between 60%-90% original finish on your shotgun.
If your Winchester model 1894 rifle is new in the box (unfired) then the value is between 425-450 dollars.If the firearm in question has been fired,then the value is based on the original finish of the firearm remaining and a good bore.This will range from 250-400 dollars.
spark plug gap for polaris 425
275-425 USD
The pre-64 winchester model 70 featherweight rifles are currently valued at between 425 dollars for a rifle with 60% original finish remaining up to 1,000 dollars for a fine example with 90%original finish remaining.You could also add 20% to the above stated values if your rifle has a aluminum butt plate.