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Do you mean "What is the term used to describe something that happens once every two months?" If so, the term is "Bi-monthly".

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Q: Something happens once in two months?
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Related questions

What does Bi-monthly mean?

Bi-monthly means every two months. (Semi-monthly means twice a month). There may be cases where these terms are misused, so be careful.

Something that occurs twice a month or once every two months is called?

Something that occurs TWICE a month is called SEMI monthly (semi=half) and something that occurs every TWO months is called BI-Monthly (BI=TWO)

What does bisentenial mean?

bicentennial means when something happens twice in a year, or once every two years

What is the word for an event that happens every two months?

According to the online Oxford Dictionaries, "bimonthly" can refer to something occurring every two months or twice in one month. It might be best to just say "every two months" to avoid confusion.

What is a word that means once every 2 years?

Biennial or biannual can refer to something which happens every two years.

What do you call it when something happens 6 times per year?

Well, honey, when something happens 6 times a year, you call it bi-monthly. It's like clockwork, just happening every couple of months like a bad haircut appointment. So, there you have it, bi-monthly - six times a year, like clockwork.

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"Fortnight" is a term that means a period of two weeks. So, "every fortnight" means something that occurs or happens once every two weeks.

What do mean by bye monthly?

Do you mean bi-monthly? In which case, this would be referring to something that happens twice a month, usually once every two weeks.

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Defernition for bimontly?

Bimonthly refers to something occurring every two months or twice a month, depending on the context in which it is used. It can mean once every two months or twice a month.