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Yes, I think that your son should get his ears pierced. My son is 13 and has two piercings in each ear. He loves them along with a lot of other people. My wife (obviously) has her ears pierced, but she also has a lip ring and a nose ring

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Q: Should your son get his ears pierced?
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Can nuns have pierced ears?

In the Catholic Church, there are no specific rules prohibiting nuns from having pierced ears. However, some religious orders may have their own guidelines regarding personal appearance, including the wearing of jewelry such as earrings. Ultimately, it would depend on the rules and traditions of the specific order that the nun belongs to.

How do you look If you get your ears pierced?

I like Earrings with boys and i want to get my left ears pierced i just want to know should i get it pierced if yes how do i convience my parents thanks .

Where should you go to get your ears pierced?

A tattoo parlor

Should you die your hair with your ears just pierced?

as long as you get no die in your ears you will be fine(:

What earrings should you get your ears pierced with?

You don't get your ears pierced with earrings. You have them pierced by a needle and then the hole is filled with an earring. There are gold stud earrings which are less likely to cause an allergic reaction.

Does Hillary Clinton have her ears pierced?

Yes she does have her ears pierced.

When did Selena Gomez get her ears pierced?

Selena Gomez got her ears pierced when she was five years old. Ear piercing is a common practice in many cultures and is typically done during childhood. The procedure involves making a small hole in the earlobe to insert an earring.

How old was Debby Ryan when she got her ears pierced?

The age of Miley Cyrus when she had her ear pierced is unknown. It has been rumored that she had her ears pierced when she was 8-10 years old.

How old should you be to get your ears double pierced?

I was 11 when I got my ears double pierced. The feeling was great! It made me feel more grown up. You should let your kids. They will be grateful.

When should a kid get their ears pierced?

It all depends on when you feel that your child is resposible enough to take care of their ears. Believe it or not pierced ears is a big resposibility, they have to make sure that they turn their earings and clean their ears.

You want to impress chicks should you pierce your ears?

NO! Anyone who would go out with someone or even just be impressed by a guys ears pierced isn`t worth dating! Another reason is that alot of girls parents wouldn`t let them date a guy who has there ears pierced like my dad! So I wouldn`t get them pierced plus if you do get your ears pierced it will hurt! I am a girl and like all girls I got my ears pierced and my sister`s ears got infected when she got her ears pierced and that REALLY HURT!