If you're currently dating and he asks out another girl that's HORRIBLE. Dump him.
It means that you are jealous of your friends.. That they won't try to get your boyfriend. It's just jealousy, no need to worry, except you think you are certain that your so called friend is trying something with your boyfriend.
Time to say goodby to your boyfriend and probably your bff, too. Why would she go out with your boyfriend if she was your best friend?
hit him
Her boyfriend
don't worry about it say it's "Cool"
BBF means Best Boyfriend
Get over him sister!
If you don't want to talk to him then why don't you just ignore him............ OR you may talk to him, talking won't hurt you or him and I hope even not your BFF...
Obviously then the bff isn't worth your time. They may still be your friend, but not best friend anymore.
Find more people to be BFFs with. Well, yes, of course you can have more than 1 BFF, even if your BFF(s) only have you as a BFF!! Don't worry about it, it's totally fine. ;)
No just bff
Um... it really depends. If she is just a girl in the crowd, you're kind of stuck. But if you're like her bff, you could ask, "Who do you like? Your secret's safe with me!" That's what my boyfriend did with me.