It's legal to have a relationship and even marry your cousin so if you are in love and the feeling is mutual you can kiss him/her.
You should not force anyone to kiss you.
tell your friend that if she is in love with her cousin tell he try to find out if that is her real cousin and if he or her should date him but if it is her cousin give him a big kiss then kiss him or her a few more times then if he or she wantes more give him or her more than leave him or her than you will get to fall in love with your cousin. holla
Wow.. no way man.. don't go around kissing some wierd people.. and don't spread aids. Your step cousin may have it.. nobody knows.. and, save your first kiss for someone else, not your step cousin(unless you already HAVE your first kiss)
If you had a crush on a cousin (this is common when younger) then yes, the first kiss would count. If you kissed a relative such as an uncle then no, this would not count as a first kiss. A first kiss is by a boy you like.
you never really want to kiss your cousin on the lips so when you see them just give a friendly peck on the cheek when you say hi
Well, maybe she gave you a pity kiss or she likes you secretly, so by dating your cousin she's trying to get closer to you? And if your friend tells your cousin, he/she is not a real friend. So what you should do is tell your cousin yourself and explain to him the situation, no matter how long it takes and how many slaps to wake him up. Then you go to the girl and ask her about it. Your friend is just a minor character in this dilemma.
this is certainly NOT OK, this is a child this would be considered pedophilia and should be reported to the authorities immediately!!!!! HELL NO!!!
Yes but it would not be right
Because it is only a dream :)
that you're gross and you shouldn't be thinking of your cousin like that you pervert
no you should not marry your cousin's son!
You should do nothing because that is your cousin.