I say you shouldn't! 'Cause it might turn into.. >-> you-know-what.
Hey! Its just what I'm sayin'. Just remember do not! kiss a boy when you are having a period!!
You can kiss a boy whenever you like (as long as he consents). There's no reason you can't kiss a boy when on your period, you can do anything you like while you're on your period.
If I kiss a boy,I will feel proud that i did it and you should too.
To get a boy to kiss you , you should be gentle and nice to him whenever he is around you. then, if you are ready kiss him
just tell him you didn't kiss another boy.
No. The act of kissing does not create pregnancy.
kiss him
yes you should
don't just kiss someone to kiss someone wait to find someone you really care about
if you really love them and they are your boyfriend the kiss him on the cheek!
you should kiss a crush your boyfriend or somebody who you can trust and you think they like you
well you should talk to the boy about it and see if he is ready for it