If you like her then sure. Just because she's had 30 boyfriends doesn't mean she's being a slut or anything. She's probably just not found the right guy. Give her a chance.
The number of past relationships someone has had should not be the sole factor in deciding whether to pursue a relationship. It's important to consider compatibility, trust, and communication in any relationship. If you are unsure, it may be helpful to have an open and honest conversation with the person about your concerns.
It depends on the girl!
if you just go up to him and ask him if he want to be your girlfriend
If you feel comfortable with the invite to your boyfriends house, then you should go. Only you know the whole situation and can decide if the timing is right for you to go to his house or not.
dont go out with any boy twice and dont date your friends boyfriends current or not
well, I'm a girl and personally I would never look through my boyfriends phone, it's his personal property, the only time I would ever go through his phone is if I got a dirty text from him that was not "meant for me" so probably about 3 out of 5 girls go through their boyfriends cell.
not really. if u wanna go out with them like as boy friend and girl friend ask them.
no he should not because i use to have a lot of boyfriends and i broke up with them because of that
Some do because they think that if one likes you and wants to go. Out with you then you must be a cool or pretty girl that they want to go out with too.
Actual they can and unless the guy or girl is a preve. But i highly recommend they don't though. Just because I remember when I was in 5th and trust me I wanted to go far and be the girl that every guy wants to go out with.
She needs to make up her mind, she cannot go through life hurting people, and she is going to do that with that kind of behavior.
Go with funny stories about friends, stay away from ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends.
Ask her out. MOST guys are not that brave to ask popular girls out, so they dont have as many boyfriends as you would think. So go ahead and give it a shot.