Generally speaking, no. This is a quasi-intimate experience and if it is at night, it could be considered a romantic setting. Perhaps the boyfriend would get get the wrong idea and become jealous or untrusting. Perhaps the experience would not be worth the trouble it could create.
You should break up with your boyfriend and get your best friends instead
Best friends they are always gonna be there for you
It is best to leave your boyfriend alone and he might come back to you. It is codependence when one or both people can't be alone. It is best to be interdependent.
You should tell your friend that he is cheating its best that she knows.
you should talk to the best friend or u shouldn't go out with him
Leave it alone it will all work out by itself
well.. if you have a boyfriend you should worry about him. if he does something then just kick his butt(:
Well if "he" is your boyfriend, just ask your best friend if he is acting in a manner regular friends should not.
Nothing that is suppose to be your best friend and that is her boyfriend. You need to move on and focus your interest elsewhere - someone single.
That should be personal to him. Him alone knows the meaning of that, and it should not disrupt your friendship.
Three words: Proceed with caution!
You would not like it if your best friend cheated on you with your boyfriend so that is not a nice thing to do to your best friend. First, you should stop saying you are best friends with the girl when you are 'cheating" with her boyfriend. Best friends do not do that. Second, you should stop going out with her boyfriend. Third, you should tell the girl that the guy is cheating on her, even though you will need to tell her that it is with you. If he does it with you, there is a real good chance that he would cheat on her with someone else. Finally, both of you should dump the guy.