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of course you should unless you are pregnant or you are elderly or you are disabled x

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Q: Should you give your seat up to a pregnant woman?
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Who was the woman that refuged to give up her seat?

Rosa Parks

Who was the pregnant girl that did not give up her seat?

well I'm still sure they wouldn't have given her uch more mercy

Why was illegal for Rosa parks to give up her seat?

Because she was an African woman who were treated on the basis of their caste and religion

What is the name of the African American woman who refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white person?

Rosa Parks

Who was the woman that refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white passenger?

Claudette Colvin was the first black to refuse to give up her seat. She was a teenager at the time.

What major incidents occured during Rosa Parks 30's?

what had happened was Rosa Parks wasn't the only one who didn't give up her seat,there was another woman,her name was Awele Makeba. She refused to give up her seat.

How is Rosa Parks rememberd?

She is remembered as the woman that did not give her seat to a white man therefore breaking the segregation laws and taken to jail.

What courageous woman started the Montgomery Alabama bus boycott when she refused to give her seat to a white male passenger?

Rosa Parks

What is the name of the woman who refused to give up her bus seat prompting a city wide bus boycott?

Rosa Parks refused to move on a bus.

Do pregnant women wear seat belts?

Yes they do.