When you donate blood, the clinics usually test for anemia. If you are usually healthy and active during your periods, you should have no problem.
Remember that a period isn't bleeding from your bloodstream, it's shedding the uterine lining that has built up during the month.
We should give them the blood or sharp teeths. Give them a person so they can suck blood.
The blood from your period should be dark, not bright, red because it is "old" blood that the uterus sheds. It is also normal to see clots or lumps of blood during your period.
Your blood is not effected by your period in the opinion of the blood bank there is no concern when your period is. Although if you suffer from nausia or lite headeness during your period donating blood can inhance that effect.
It depends on what you mean by 'clean blood' during your period. Your menstrual flow isn't dirty so your blood should always be 'clean' during menstruation.
If earth was a mother is the water her blood and volcanes her period?
FUN blood pain ectr...
Yes, it can. I have stomach pains from my period. I think it gets worse after heavy blood. life sucks
No. Your period is an egg that doesn't fully develop so it just comes out as blood.
a period is blood
During your period it is normal to experience blood clots but if you mean when you go to the bathroom and are not on your period, then this is not normal and should be investigated. It is most likely caused by a hormonal inbalance.
Normally, it should be less after the third day.