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If you are dieting, ANY calories count toward the 1,500 to 2,000 calorie limit. The sugar in your coffee, the 5 calories in your gum, or the 18 calories in your oil and vinegar salad dressing. The issue isn't healthy intake (which fruit juice is) but the calorie intake. So if you are dieting, yes you must count the calories in fruit juice. Drink water...non fattening, no calories...and studies have shown that your teeth do not rust. Drink water and eat fresh fruit instead of juice, that way you get the fiber and vitamins without all the excess sugar found in juice.

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9y ago

In 8 oz of apple juice = 107 calories

In 8 oz of Orange Juice = 102 calories

Therefore Apple juice has more calories! So I suggest you to by orange juice to stay healthy. And also, freshly squeezed has even less!!!

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Q: Should you count calories of fruit juices?
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Does fruit count as calories or are they free calories?

I count fruits, it feels strange not to count certain foods. I know there has been a similar thread here on the forum before with discussion about whether it is "worth" eating fruit. I would never get myself to give up the fruit for weight loss purposes. ok that they contain calories but if you look at the nutrient density, fruit is fantastic! fruit is useful! then you should not forget that there is a difference between fruit and fruit either. grapes, for example, contain a lot of sugar, it is a "luxury fruit" I think. eg orange, banana, apple, pear, melon, kiwi and all berries I am not a coward to eat exactly when I want! I used this calorie calculator I found on Sniply: >>>

What are merits and demerits of juices of fruit?

Fruit is a food, fruit juices are processed food. In moderation fruit/fruit juices are good for you.

How many calories are in fruit juices?

The type of fruit determines the calorie content of a fruit juice. Some fruits are much higher in calories than others are. Please feel free to ask the question again and include more detail.

When was Ceres Fruit Juices created?

Ceres Fruit Juices was created in 1986.

Are bottled juices nutritious even if they don't have sugar or preservatives?

* You must look for juices made not from extracts, but from the real fruit. Juices are nutritious; they conserve many of the properties of fresh fruit. * You would do much better to eat fruit than to drink fruit juice; you would have to drink a lot more juice to get the same nutritional value of one piece of fruit. And, of course, you would be consuming a lot more unnecessary calories. Fresh fruit all the way!

Is fresh fruit juice drinking injurious to health in any manner?

You can end up with a lot of extra calories drinking fruit juices. Better to stick with the fruit so that you get some satisfaction from the food you are eating.

Is taking fruit juices first thing in the morning advisable?

yes because you can have a healthy start to the day.I They can also count as your 5 a day

What is the direct object of the sentence many ices contain fruit juices t?

Many ices contain fruit juices. The direct object is juices.

What is the most important reason why you should not store fruit juices in a pewter pitcher?

Acids in the fruit juice can leach the metal into juice

How many calories in dried cranberries?

For 100g of sweetened, dried cranberries there are 308 calories. Data from here:

What fruit has the most juices in it?

The watermelon.

What fruits are good for dieting?

That depends on whether you prefer to count calories or carbohydrates. For the calories in fruit, and the carbohydrates in fruit, and calorie and carbohydrate fruit charts, which you may use as a daily guides, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.