Yes, because even if it is cheaper to buy fake Chanel, you are better off buying the real Chanel. Think of it as an investment. If you buy the real Chanel, you can sell it for more if you find something else or grow out of it. If you buy the fake, people won't buy it because they want the real Chanel.
Well if you dare to buy them off the net, then go to the chanel boutique and get them authenticated. But if you buy them from an expensive jewellery shop or the chanel boutique, then yes there real.(Obviously)
You can tell if a Chanel is real or fake by looking at it and feeling it. You should never see glue residue on a real Chanel. The leather should look and feel high quality. Hardware should be sturdy, not cheap and bendable.
Coco Chanel's real name is Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel.
How can I tell if a Chanel bracelet is real
13710931 is it a real number of chanel?
Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel
Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel
There is no return policy if you buy Chanel perfume online through Amazon. You must buy through the official website of Chanel rather than any other websites if you want to buy Chanel perfume.
Albert Chanel (Coco Chanel's father) and Eug'enie "Jeanne" Devole (Coco Chanel's mother).
No it is not real
Chanel is a small Pomeranian :)
a real chanel 2.55 bag will cost about $2000