Only if you are utterly certain that you can manage the weight. If you get it wrong and you get trapped below the weight it can potentially kill you.
at least your body weight
The current weight of Hillary Clinton is about 160 lbs so I know he can lift more than that because hes benching that weight right now without even breaking a sweat.
i know hes doen 225 for 50 reps.
About a pound a week is as fast as one can safely lose weight without a doctor's supervision.
No. Human medicines should never be given to an animal without proper veterinary supervision. The dosage of a medication is often calculated for the weight of an average human. A dog is much lighter.
Varies on what sport. For more strength-oriented sports, like football, 110-130% of a person's weight on benchpress is quite good. Anything is excess of 150% is worthy of powerlifting status and is exceptional.
Yes, it is very dangerous. Weight loss for children should only be done under a doctor's supervision.
You should never use weight loss products when pregnant unless the doctor says so and then it would be under his supervision.
You can bench press as much as you want. PROPER weight lifting will NOT stunt your growth. The only way youm will stunt your growth is by puttng too much pressure on your spine. So if you feel like your spine (not back muscles) are burning or hurting, STOP drop weight-or -ask a PROFESSIONAL trainer to look at your form.
Liquid diets are very scary, they should only be done with a doctors supervision. However, a product like Slim fast can be a good way to lose some weight using a liquid product.
This is really a question you should be asking your coach. If your coach requires that you do weight training at school, then yes, you do need to do it. If you're already doing adequate weight training on your own, then he may waive this requirement, but it's also possible that he may prefer you do it under his supervision.
Yes, Push up workout your shoulders tricepts bicepts and you're entire core, Including your pects. Benchpress is mainly tricepts and chest. Doing pushups will improve your benchpress but possibly not in the way you'd like. You may notice that your stamina has increased( you can do more reps) but it may lower your max. Try doing negatives to improve your max, If you can benchpress 200 put 215 on the bar and have a strong spotter help you. Slowing let down the weight to your chest on your own, then have the spotter help you lift it off. this is difficult and scary but you will see serious results