That's your decision. It depends how old you are... If you have a car and can drive, I'd ask him to meat at a food place and hang out there for a while just to get started and give your crush an idea of yourself.
on a weeknd because you will have more time with them
Yes you should definitely ask your crush to hang out, even if you have known them just for a few weeks! It is okay if they say don't know want to, don't be disheartened. You should buy him/her dinner if you ask him/her to hang out. Wear nice clothes. Don't make too many advances. xoxo Hope it helped!!
Maybe he has a crush on the boyfriend. You should probably ask 'him'.
You should ask your crush out yourself.
If your crush asks you to hang out with him and never shows up, he could be afraid to meet you especially if he thinks that it happened so soon.
Ask your crush out at school. Do that and see what happens.
Ask him or her out!
You should really consider if she is worth having as a crush if she'll only ask you out if she's given money.
I always just walk up to them and ask what are you doing this weekend and if you just want to hang out. Or if your really shy "like me" just get someone to ask him or her out.
Your crush is more than likely to like u if u talk to him/her more or hang around wiv em more... if u really fancy him/her u should probably ask him/her out before somebody else takes them.
You ask her out
If they like you back