are you friends with this person? if not, get to know them better say hi or ask them if they want to hang out.
I don't think there would be harm to that, however, as stated above, I would work on getting to know the person a little better (depending on the ALREADY relationship), otherwise if the two are friends or at least have talked for a little, go ahead and ask them out, wouldn't hurt to at least attempt.
he should ask you out. he may not like you and then all you have done is thrown yourself at someone that wants nothing to do with a relationship with you.
Not really
Tell them what your personality is and what you like to do.
Send them a valentine. Be nice to them, and when you think they like you, ask them out; it's not that hard really! I should know! ;)
If you like someone you should talk to that person and find out more about him/her. Then if it feels right ask him/her out on a date for diner or a movie.
First of all when you ask someone out first see if they like you, you can flirt with them and find out. Then ask him or her to talk alone that's when you say "ummm... i was thinking i like you and i think we should go out."
maybe but how should anybody know this ask a legit qustion
* tell them up close in person * ask them out * but be kind
if you dont ask them yourself, you are seemingly too afraid, and he or she might not like that very much
You should tell him that you like him and ask him if he likes you back. That way you aren't stressing yourself out about it. If he does like you, ask him out. If he doesn't move on. He's not worth it anyway.