Sure. Why not. Women are fickle and like to be chased. Just dont chase too hard. There is a fine line between courting and stalking.
He probably has someone else he also likes or is mad at you
When he has a penis.
well you should go up to the girl and tell her how you feel about her....but if she likes someone else you have to also respect that if she doesnt have the same feelings as you do then it just simply meens that there is something better out there for you ..and there is..theres always somebody for someone
You have to let him go..
Move on and find someone else.
You go rape her, and fist her.
i have a boyfriend but like someone else whai should i do
If the other person strongly dislikes the person, then they should get over it and find someone else.
He is saying that he likes you but he also likes someone else.
If he likes someone else then it's doubtful he would date you. If you really care about him more than just a friend then you should let him know.
Wait, he might get over this girl.