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Only if they aren't in the laundry room, or bedroom.

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Q: Should women be in the kitchen?
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Related questions

Why do women have careers when they should be in the kitchen?

Women have careers because they have the ability to do so and there is demand in the job market. They are not in the kitchen because there is nothing confining them to it.

Where should women be at all times?

Kitchen makin me a sandwich

How many women were there in the land army?

They are not allowed due to them being women and they should only be in the kitchen.

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They should be making sandwiches in the kitchen for the men!

Is making coffee sexist?

yes that women should stay in the kitchen

Should women participate in politics or not?

No. They should be in the kitchen in case a man needs a sandwich made for him.

Should boys earn more pocket money than girls?

Yes, because women should be in the kitchen

What shouls a 13 year old boy know about women?

That they should get off of and back to the kitchen.

Should women be outside the Kitchen?

no, for this question to be asked is an outrage! that is their specialty, cooking and they should be proud of it! they should be proud of it because that's the only thing they can do!

What goes in the kitchen?


Where to find women?

in the kitchen

What women did before world war 1?

Learn better grammer then you. While cooking in the kitchen like they should be