

Best Answer

yes they should. parents need to understandd that their children are growing up and they need to hangg out with their friends, girlfriend, and boyfriend. go to the movies with each other and go to might think im crazy but chances are they will be more happier if oyur easy going on them they wont be as bad at hoome they wint back talk or be as violent and they wont cuss you out . but the whole reason they probably will cuss you out would be that you probbaly wont let them hangg out with their friends and they will gett madd at you soooo you know chances are youll be the awsome parent and they will love u more

this is coming ffom a teen herself and peeps shoold respect tht

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Q: Should teenagers be allowed more freedom or not?
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Teenagers in the past had more freedom And weren't babied until their early 20's

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Teenagers had less freedom (generally) and more responsibilities (generally).

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So that they will be able to drive anywhere, anytime! It saves the parents or guardians a lot of driving around, and It gives those who can drive a lot more freedom.

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you would be more responsible

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lady gaga

Debate on topic should teenagers be given more freedom by parents and teachers?

yes..i feel tht teenagerz should be given all freedom coz they shd also be given a chance to experience the outer world in their own way..give them freeom to see how far they go but in the same time v shd control them..

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Answer this question…It allowed citizens more personal freedom than did totalitarianism.

How much fat should teenagers eat?

Teenagers shouldn't be hoarding on the fat, but eat a bit more than a Child would! ;)

Why should teenagers be allowed to drop out of high school?

If teenagers believe that they have higher purposes in life, they should be allowed to pursue those dreams. If high school doesn't fit into their life equation, society shouldn't force them to attend all four years. If the student is content with receiving a GED and going to pursue other opportunities, they should be free to do so. High school isn't meant for everyone and the strict limits put on teenagers today are not fair to people who decide to think more outside the box. Teenagers are old and informed enough to make their own decisions. If they choose to leave school, that's a choice they're going to have to live with for the rest of their lives.

Should teenagers be sentenced death for murder?

it depends on how he/she did it and if it was one or more people

Who listens to music more adults or teenagers?
