They could if they wanted to. But the seventh grader might be more mature and might expect more from the relationship.
most of the time, i think it's because the seventh graders are older than the sixth graders (obviously) so the seventh graders think they can date (or whatever) whoever they want in sixth grade, or lead them on. or at least, that's what i think. Xd why would a 7th grader want to date a 6th graders and 6th graders shouldnt be dating
yes seventh graders can date but i think you re a little to young Next answer: dating is fine to get to know someone, and have fun. BUT .. . until later high school should be done in a group of people, like double-dating, etc. AND NOOO ONNNNNE should "Go Steady" until they are at the age that marriage is a possibility, like 18 years old and older. I know alot of seventh graders and what I've heard is that most of them hold hands at their school and hug and some secretly makeout when a supervisor or adult isn't looking! Uhh! I think you should wait till your in highschool. Way too young! Well that's just my opinion...
they should go to the park
That would be the decision of the sixth grader's parents, and different people have different opinions about whether children of the age 10-11 should date. In my opinion, that is too young to go out.
I and many parents think 4th graders shouldn't date at all because this helps break down abstinence too early in life.
Well... Edward's a century old and Bella's like 18... Don't worry, I'm in sixth grade and two of my friends are dating seventh graders. And there's a guy in my class who went on a date with a sophomore... ...which didn't go too great. It depends on YOUR age. What I think is that age shouldn't matter. In Kentucky, being liked by someone older than you is flattering.
Around 75% of 12th graders prefer to date a nonsmoker.
Not really because they want even remember you when you get in the 7th grade lOL i so agree these 6th graders
no if they like each other my friend likes a 7 year old and she is 11
You should not do anything. Except for something fun
only occassionally