in my opinion mobile phone make students feeling well, and think they will be safe when anything can happened
We should be careful about our speech while conversing with others.We should try to follow some Principles in this regard.In our general conversation if the company is large, we should take only fair share of it and allow other to speak. If we are only two, each one of us should share it equally. It is quite tiring to go on listening so when o e has already spoken a little, one should keep quite and allow the others to speak. If he does not respond, it means he does not like the conversation to continue.
Sufficiently early to allow the client to check his appointments and make any adjustments if required.
just text whatever question you have to 242242 and it should allow you to ask anything. unless you got your number suspended by saying something inappropriate
Three examples of technology include the telephone, the television, and the Internet. The television is a one-way type of communication, but is a way to communicate to the masses. The Internet can be used for both two-way personal and one-way mass communication. The telephone is mostly for two-way, person to person communication, though conference calling and speaker phones allow communication with more people.
it does allow to upload a video...go to facebook's help center for more details.
Yes schools should allow cell phones in their personal time because then the students can get a hold of something they need from their parents or something. It would also be awesome just to have it for fun. I of course would not do anything bad.
because teachers dont want you to txt on them in school
Yes we should be able to have I pads for are home work instied of binders
Only middle schools and High schools and colledges can, so that'll be like100 schools in the US
no, no they do not.
The best physical therapy schools are ones that allow students to practice on real people, to develop the correct skills to help people. These schools should help in placement.
Why not? Especially if it's a public school they have no right to restrict the outside activities of their students unless it damages their performance considerably or is illegal.
675642 in England
Whether schools should allow students to wear civilian clothing (civvies) is a personal preference. Some argue that it allows students to express their individuality and feel more comfortable, while others believe that uniforms promote a sense of unity and equality among students. Ultimately, the decision should be based on the school's values and goals.
Students should not be allowed to bring pets in an schools should not allow ,yet again they should. One reason is that it can cause distractions and loss of points. Yet you should as a class pet to show or prove how responsible you child or student is, take it home for about a week or two and bring it back to see if your responsible or not. this is my answer to you.
No no n no.cause there are some bad students in schools which can destroy a good student by showing them some abusive no and never