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Friends sitting next to each other in class tends to make teaching and learning much harder, because they will no doubt be making jokes and passing notes back and forth. I would say, "No" to your question.

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Q: Should kids be able to sit next to their friends in class?
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Should or shouldn't kids be able to sit next to their friends in school?

They shouldn't sit next to their friends because they will talk all day long and would not listen to the teacher who is giving instruction to the class

How do you make friends at age 9?

You should just naturally make friends and if you're nice to a person they'll become your friend. I'm sure you could even get away with "Want to be friends?" Younger kids are less judgmental than older kids and should be able to make friends easily.

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i Think they should be because kids need them if a kid is sick the could use there ipod and video call one of there friends in class to get there home work and work there missing from class

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Yes it should. Teachers need to be able to discipline their students. Do you see how kids act in class rooms now days? Instead of getting the principle teachers should be able to discipline their students if they act up. Also the kids should be given a second chance, do not act quickly.

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yes! Of course they can! The more friends you have the better. Everyone should be friends!

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Yes. With parents supervision but alone if 16 and older or 13 and older it depends how strict the parent is.

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Kids usually just want revenge on their friends if they have done something 'wrong'. Kids are immature, because their brain does not function the way an adult's does. It's perfectly normal for kids to want revenge on their friends, but their parent should step in if it goes too far- the kids should remain friends though, after a while.

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I would think so because what if their friends are bad? I don't think so. After all, the parents shouldn't judge people by the kid's point of view. Some kids are amazing, but the parents see them as "thugs".

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Sometimes students work well when sat with their friends. Fequently however, their friend are the source of distraction and student are better seated alone or with similarly able students who are not their friends. Seating with differently able students who are not friends can be benificial to class cohesion and create new friendship networks and better understanding of other difficultes and strenghts.

Should kids 13 - 18 be able to go hunting without taking a hunter safety class?

You must have a parental gaurdian present.