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Hecck yES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Q: Should i wach toad11guy on YouTube?
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Should i let my kids wach you tube?

yes only crzy parnets dont let their children wach youtube + ------------------------------------------------------------ Sure, but you should keep an eye on what they watch. There are some really nasty things out there on the YouTube that adults shouldn't see, nevermind about children!

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it is a fun filled show you should wach it!!! meagan from the meagan and abby webshow

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Youtube obviously :) hope it helps.

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you can watch them nearly everywhere... youtube,myvideo,.....

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five stars please wach it on youtube its so sad i feel like crying when i saw it wach all the parts please its very sad :(

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haw to nokia 7610 wach video youtube

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Half an hour a day

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yeah in December 2010 but u should go on youtube and wach it in Japanese subbed that's wat i did its super better in Japanese btw its in HQ

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The only way that I found to watch that movie is in youtube, and yes it is a very scary movie

When was WACH created?

WACH was created in 1981.