In this context, "Fortune 500" should be capitalized because it is a proper noun referring to a specific list of the top 500 companies published by Fortune magazine. However, "companies" should not be capitalized unless it is part of a proper noun or at the beginning of a sentence. So, it would be correct to write "Fortune 500 companies" with "Fortune" capitalized and "companies" lowercase.
The phrase "law firm" shouldn't be capitalized but the titles of specific law firms should be.
If you are referring to credit unions in general you do not need to capitalize the term. If you are referring to a particular credit union, say the Burbank Credit Union, then you should capitalize each word.
Yes, it should. As you can see from the 'Terms' on the Facebook site, 'Facebook' is always capitalized. The logo has nothing to do with if it should be capitalized or not. Facebook is a proper noun, therefore you capitalize it. It's odd that people would think otherwise, because you wouldn't put something in all caps just because the logo is in all caps, would you?
Yes, because names are proper nouns. So they must be capitalized.
Yes, the word "Facebook" should be capitalized when writing about it, as it is a proper noun.
If referred generically as you did in your question, no. But, a specific one, such as Facebook, should be
No, adjectives are never capitalized unless they are the first word of a sentence.
Have should be capitalized if it is the beginning of a sentence. Summer should not be capitalized.
It should only be capitalized if it forms part of a title.
Yes, it should be capitalized.
Yes it should be capitalized.
As an abbreviation it should be capitalized.
Yes it should always be capitalized.
Yes it should be capitalized.