cell phones should only be allowed in kindergarden, because 3 year olds will be alot smarter according to the university of kinson 's report. Kids can learn to chat properly and practice through conversations.
I don't believe they should. Yes they are good when keeping in touch with your child and such but texting during classes shouldn't be allowed. Maybe if certain school have certain times they can use them but not during an academic class.
Not if they encourage spellings such as 'aloud' - 'allowed' please!
I believe cell phones should be allowed, I'm not sure how much support I can be, but I do believe cell phones provide many needed things. Cell phones are way of communicating between child and parent during the day if something needs to discussed, such as a ride home or feeling ill. Many of the school recourses, I have come to find, are not very reliable when dealing with these situations and almost always prove to be difficult to use. It truly is a shame that people abuse the cell phone privilege and text during class, which I do not support. The last thing kids need is another distraction. But I do believe with proper permission and a good excuse a child should be allowed to quickly excuse themselves from class to handle a situation.
Yes, they should be aloud to have cell phones in schools.
a good debatable claim is why cell phones should be aloud in school :) txt me
Well the proper response is that actually that is not a fact question, it is a question to be more likely answered by opinion. but yes my opinion would be to let phones in school. But the kids in my school already bring phones to school so, to my school it does not matter
73.7% Of People Agree That Cell Phones Should Be In The Classrooms Of School.
Yes! You are aloud
because teachers dont want you to txt on them in school
Cell phones should be banned in classrooms as it distracts a student fro his primary objective which is school education.
Cell phones should be used during school because what if a student is getting bullied or is in deep trouble they could use their cell phones to call for help.
yes they should for emergiencies