That depends on what you mean by "talk" It's OK to be in a age-gap relationship, but you can't legally have a sexual relationship until he/she's 16.
No, a significant age gap at that stage of life can create power imbalances and potential legal issues, as the 14-year-old may not have the maturity to give informed consent. It's important for relationships to be between individuals who are closer in age and at similar life stages to ensure mutual understanding and respect.
Try meeting guys you own age.
A smart one should;)
Should i breakup with him Should i breakup with him
Guys should chase girls! If a guy chases a girl that means they like them!
that a weird question. a girl should like a guy if she does not because he is a skateboarder and what separates skateboarders with non skatboarders its YOUR opinion not the world... but im 12 and i skateboard (guy)
Well obviously guys are in it more for looks, but the type of guy is what you should be wondering about. You want to attract a guy that will like you for your personality more than your looks.
Them, for who they are not who they try to be.
a lot of girls have the capacity to like several guys at once. but you should ask her out before the other guy gets to her.
Yes, girls should have cars. They need to go to school, work, and to the stores just like a guy needs too.
if their black yes if their white maybe
It depends on who the guy is! Maybe you should ask him.
you should talk dirty and find out.....stupid