In general, a woman should not bleed for more than two weeks when she is on her period. Even after childbirth the general rule of thumb is that a new mother will bleed for about 2 weeks. However, sometimes her period will last longer than that.
no you should not bleed more when you get a tatoo.
Bleeding for 4 weeks is normal. If you are pregnant again I can't tell but having unprotected sex means you can be since you are more fertile then usual after giving birth. You have to go see your gyno.
This is not normal and you need to see a doctor.
You have to see a doctor. It's not good for you to bleed that much every month and it's not normal.
3 weeks should be sufficiant for any party
All women on depo provera have changes in their bleeding. Some bleed more, and others bleed less. In the early months of use, you may have breakthrough bleeding that goes on for days, weeks, or months. This bleeding decreases over time.
Menopause? Sounds abnormal; get it checked!
If you are positive you are pregnant, then the pink can be caused by the sex act itself. The insides of a woman are more sensitive during pregnancy and can lightly bleed (don't freak out) after sex. This happened to me many times and there is nothing to worry about. You have a lot more blood in your vaginal area and it is a little easier to make it bleed a bit. No, this will not cause you to miscarry and unless your doctor says, sex can continue.
After taking just Mifepristone or also Misoprostol/Cytotec? It is Misoprostol/Cytotec that makes you bleed. And the bleeding can be heavy for 5-6 hours and then you bleed less for 1-4 weeks. If you have this, see below, you should contact your doctor:heavy bleeding from and are soaking through more than 2 maxi pads/hour for 2 hours or more in a rowif you have clots for 2 hours or more that are larger than a lemon
I was told by my dentist that, contrary to instinct, when your gums bleed, you need to brush more, not less. Healthy gums should not bleed with normal brushing, along with looking a healthy pink hue.
You should consult your doctor or go to the ER if you are pregnant and bleeding.
the bleed more cause macicial creatures put their sperm inside of the cut therefore they bleed more because you are really giving birth.