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While there is no law preventing it, the difference in mental age and experience doesn't make much sense. And actual sexual contact could be illegal depending on local laws.

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Q: Should a nineteen year old girl be dating a fifteen year old boy?
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In Alabama is it illegal for a fifteen year old girl and a nineteen year old boy to date?


In Kentucky is it illegal for a fifteen year old girl and a nineteen year old boy to date?

yes it is yes it is

If your fifteen and you like a boy who is nineteen an you want him to like you back but want to be something more?

If you are the fifteen year old girl, you could get the nineteen year old boy in a lot of trouble with the law, and it will be looked upon as his fault because you were not old enough to know better. Wait until you are eighteen.

Can a fifteen year old girl live with her nineteen year old boyfriend legally with her mothers consent if they have a child together?

depends where u live

Is it legal for a nineteen year old guy to date a sixteen year old girl in the US?

If it is OK with her folks and "dating" is as far as it goes.

Should a fifteen year old boy kiss a fifteen year old girl in public?

yes he should because if he likes her but if hes going to far then u should slap him out

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Can a fifteen year old girl date a nineteen year old guy?

I don't really see a problem with it as long as he really likes YOU and not your body. There are no laws about dating. There are laws about sexual contact, and the lowest age of consent in any state is 16. There may be exceptions for close in age, but be careful or you both could end up with a criminal record.

A girl you are dating is confused about you and her ex what should you do?

Kill the ex

How many calories should a fifteen yr old girl have to lose a stone?

a fifteen year old girl would have to eat about 1200 calories.she should be drinking tons of water and getting about an hour of exercise.if that girl is doing high intensity exercise,she should do forty minutes.good luck trying to lose that stone!with proper exercise and calorie intake you can do it girl!

Can a fifteen year old girl date a nineteen year old boy with out any law against it My parents dont approve And if not I turn sixteen in four months then is it all right?

Dating is not legally limited. However, the only reason a 19 year old wants to go out with a 15 year old is illegal. And 16 may not be legal in your state.

If you go with this girl but she go with this other boy should you break up with her?

You mean if your dating a girl and shes also dating someone else, YES