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To be honest herpes is blown way out of proportion and lack of education scares people even more. Most people who have herpes dont have more than a couple outbreaks a year, some have one or none. Protection and precautions should be taken and diet can help lessen outbreaks. The differences in herpes simplexes are basically where it prefers to manifest itself. It is possible to have simplex 1 in an area where simplex 2 prefers and vise versa. Think to yourself if you have ever known someone that got herpes on their lips.....How often did lesions present? I would venture to guess VERY rarely.......To me this situation would be a no brainer but if you already have one foot out the door you might be better off to end it in interest of saving yourself from having to go through what she is right now.....Its gotta be hard to present what would be a dealbraker for so many miseducated people. The CDC says that approximately 20-25% of people have HSV2 antibodies, but most of them do not have noticeable symptoms. Blood testing for herpes is not recommended, so most people do not know they are infected. If a woman tells a man that she is infected, it means that she is educated about managing the disease, and an honest person as well. I would rather date someone who is conscientious enough to get tested and to tell me about it rather than play Russian Roulette with people who don't know or care. But if you are the type of person who would be anxious about it, then save yourself the trouble. Also, the contagion factor depends greatly on how long she has had herpes, and how severe her symptoms are.

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For people diagnosed with herpes, herpes dating sites are the best choice to meet someone with similar conditions. topherpesdatingwebsites .com ranked the top 10 the safest and effective herpes dating websites for STD singles. There you can easily know each website include unique features, price, active members, privacy, pros, and cons, and then pick up the best one for you. This is the best way that you don't need to waste time finding a potential partner.

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No you have herpes :)

Are there any herpes dating sites for northern Michigan?

HWerks is a great herpes dating site with a lot of people from Michigan. They also list the 2 major social groups in MI as well. If you want to find more active singles with herpes in Michigan, you may give a try. They claim they have 650,000 members. Please try, many of their members from the United States, I think you can find herpes singles in the Northern Michigan. Good luck.

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Not contract herpes.

How can one become member at Antopia?

If someone were interested in becoming a member at Antopia they should most likely visit the site directly and sign up for a free membership to the biggest herpes and HPV dating site.

What should you do if you play flute and you have a herpes simplex outbreak?

If you play a flute and have herpes simplex outbreak, you should stop immediately see a medical doctor for advice.

You got married yesterday when is a good time to tell your husband that you have herpes?

How bad is the herpes - if it is genital herpes then you should really tell him now. Lighter cases of herpes (Like cold sores) don't need to be talked about ?

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Your doctor should not tell anybody that you have herpes. He/she is required to keep your medical condition confidential.

Can you play basketball if you have herpes?

You can play basketball if you have herpes. If you're having an outbreak, you should not play unless you can cover the affected area.

Can you spread oral herpes if you don't have a cold sore?

Unfortunately, even if there are no visible sores there is still a small chance that you can get herpes. The odds are low but you should get checked out.

What diet should a person with herpes be on?

Someone diagnosed with herpes should eat foods with a high lysine-to-arginine ratio, such as yogurt, parmesan cheese, cow's milk, and avocado. More information can be found in the following link: