if you are hosting the party, make everyone hot chocolate if you are at a party, ask the host/hostess to make everyone hot chocolate
yes with a adult watching them
You should look good, but what you wear depends on what the party is - you'll dress differently for a football game watching party than a wedding reception.
You should have a Karaoke party and put the subtitles on Momma Mia video and have everyone sing along while they have Bahama Momma drinks.
around 9.00pm, if watching a movie/at a party/ sleepover bed time can be expanded...
from across the party i watch you, watching her do my possessive eyes
You throw your own party.
a party where everyone wears costumes
social phobia
No. The linking verb "were" is incorrect. The subject is "everyone" and the proper form of the verb (to be) is "was." The phrase except you does not change the predicate."Everyone except you was invited to the party."Or more usually "Everyone but you was invited to the party."
Watching Ellie - 2002 Dinner Party 1-3 was released on: USA: 12 March 2002