I'm 12 now. and i got my nose pierced for my 11th birthday. your basic ear piercing hurts worst.
Yes, i got one when i was 10, im 13 and i got a belly piercing a month ago.
I think you should wait cuz it makes you look older and u should enjoy you being 12! No you shouldn't I am telling you.
no!!!! that is gross! im 10 and i dont pick my nose
Lip or nose.
Yes, but you will need to have a parent or guardian accompanying you.
Id say but its up to your parents im geting a munroe piercing and i allready have a nose pircing and im only 11
Well sure if if shes been begging fer a long time yesh bcuz yu might risk her doing it herself
You should make sure that it heals up clean, so clean it every night and then just let it heal. If it has not healed in a year or so call a doctor and see what he thinks.
Yes you can with your parent`s permisstion IT`S DANGER TO DO IT YOUR SELF!
honestly no
It depends on the development of the nose and nostril ridge. Not every nostril can be pierced at your age, only a professional body piercer will be able to tell if you have developed the proper ridge at 11 years old. You may need to wait a year or two till the nose develops more. Piercing the nostril early before the ridge has developed can cause the piercing to droop and end up being placed in the wrong location. Nothings worse than a nostril piercing that's placed incorrectly.
Once the piercing is "seasoned" that is to say over a year old then you can remove the jewellery for short periods of time ( 24 ~ 48 hrs) without the piercing closing completely
yes but only by parents permission at 16 you dont need permission