No, it is illegal and unsafe for a 12-year-old boy to be drinking alcohol. Alcohol can have serious negative effects on a young person's developing brain and can lead to health and behavioral issues. Parents or guardians should intervene and address any underlying issues if a child is drinking at a young age.
why are you getting a 15 year old boy drunk? someone should report you to the authority!
at least EIGHT FULL HOURS :]
A 7 year old boy should be about "49 to "55
in the state of illinois can a 18 year old boy get in trouble for getting a 15 year old girl pregnant even if they are in a relationship
He should practice sports even if its raining. Sports will always be #2 in getting girls next to being romantic.
Yes, he can. If they go as far as getting married, he should ask his girlfriend to convert to Judaism.
An eleven year old boy should have 2,300 mg a day
Dump Her.
Get him something he always wanted,not when he was a little boy or in elementary or middle school,get him something a 16 year old boy would want or something in the now days,ask a guy or his dad,he should know if him and his son have a bond with one another.It would be a lot easier getting a guys advice.
The problam could be that the 6 year old boy might be getting cancer .
I myself am an 11 year old boy and i like getting chocolate an candy.
I don't know, but if there is no punishment, there SHOULD BE!!!!!!! My gosh what in person in their right mind would get 15 year old pregnant.