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Both would be really cool, but I personally think you should get the blue iPhone 5c and not the green.

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10y ago

There are many people who really like the iPhone 5C. If you like Apple products, you would most likely enjoy the colored iPhone.

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Q: Should I get the blue or green iPhone 5c?
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What are the iPhone 5c colors?

iPhone 5c comes in 5 colours. Pink, Green, Yellow, Blue and White.

Can you change the color of your iPhone 5c?

The iPhone 5c comes in 5 colours, pink, green, white, blue and yellow. You can buy different colour cases. You can also change your background on you lock screen and home screen.

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How many color does iPhone 5 has?

The iPhone 5 comes in white and black. The iPhone 5s comes in black, gray and silver. The iPhone 5c comes in white, green, yellow, pink and blue.

How much is a Blue IPhone 5c cost at RadioShack?

At Radio Shack a blue iPhone 5c cost around 400 dollars. It may be a little cheaper if you find it on sale.

What color of iPhone 5?

The iPhone 5 is white & silver and black & slate. The iPhone 5s is black & gray, silver & white and silver & gold. The iPhone 5c is white, green, yellow, pink and blue.

Why don't they make colored iphones?

Apple does make colored iPhones. The iPhone 5c is the first iPhone that cones in color. The colors are green, blue, yellow, pink, and white.

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What is the difference between iPhone 5c and 5s?

The iPhone 5C weighs .7 of an ounce more, has one model older processor and comes in 5 colours (Blue, pink, white, yellow and green) while the iPhone 5S comes in 3 colours (Gold, silver and gray). The iPhone 5c comes in 16gb and 32gb while the 5s comes in 16,32 and 64gb. The iPhone 5c is sold for cheaper than the 5s. Probably the biggest difference is that the 5s has Touch ID, a fingerprint sensor, that the 5c doesn't have.

Does the new IPhone 5 come in red?

No, the iPhone 5 does not come in red. The iPhone 5 comes in black and white, the 5c comes in pink, white, green, yellow and blue and the 5s comes in black, gray and silver.

What are the key differences between an iPhone 5C and an iPhone 5?

A key difference between an iPhone 5C and an iPhone 5 is the support for more 4G LTE frequency bands by iPhone 5C.

Is the iPhone 5c or the iPhone 5 newer?

The iPhone 5c is newer. The 5c came out on September 20, 2013 and the 5 came out on September 21, 2012.