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Yes, always try to stay in your own age group. If you date anyone older, they tend to do things that you can't do, and younger kids mature slower than yourself. If you stay in the age group you are in, you will understand each other more!

^ ew little kid love. grow up, when you're thirteen go ahead and screw each other.

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Q: Should 12 year old guys date 12 year old girls?
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AnswerI Know a few ppl that are like this, my boyfriend is a bit shorter then me, it ets annoying sometimes, but we like each other so it doesnt matter. It just sux wearing high heels around him =P AnswerYes, they definitely do "occasionally". One of the shortest guys in my year is dating one of the tallest girls in my year for example. It appears strange to many people, however they don't seem to care about that at all.

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