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can i date at 10 years old

Well, yes a lot of people in my class (they are all 10) (5th grade) are dating. I am dating a boy and i think it is fine. i am also ten and i have asked the same question.

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Q: Should 10 year olds start dating?
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no, because they are to young to be dating at that age

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actually 11 year olds and up start to date

Is there a free online dating program for 10 year olds?

No. Ten-year-olds shouldn't be dating anyway!

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11-year-olds should be playing with TOYS - NOT thinking about dating !

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. . . don't 10 and 7 year olds still think the other gender has cooties? And isn't 7 a little young to be dating?

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11 year olds should not be dating. You're too young.

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dating fo 10 year olds

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7 and 8 year olds should not be 'dating' - they lack the understanding.

How should 10 year olds get paid?

u can start a neighborhood car wash

Is there any speed dating for 15 year olds?

no you have to be 18