no answer but i have a king nitro 22. long rifle used in WWI/WWII has no information it took quite a hit in the chamber though it was handed down to me from my great grandfather.
20-100 usd
I have a nitro hunter rolling block .22 cal, that my grandfather gave to me, it still works, and i have a lot of fun with it, he said he got it in 1909, in Salem Indiana for 17.00 dollars i cant find any information on the gun, but i am still looking
.700 Nitro Express
no the rifle is 85 cal and is second lowest to the pistols
marlin 35 cal. lever action. rifle/ Marlin makes the rifle ,but not the ammo for it.
a 30-cal rifle or sniper rifle. closer to 30-cal
It all depends on what your biggest deer rifle is. I think the BIGGEST (i think) is a .454 The biggest RIFLE is a nitro express .700 (BIGGER THAN A 50 CAL.) It is used for elephant hunting though
When you say Air Rifle you are referring to a pellet rifle not a firearm. At present there are no 300 Cal air rifle being made.
show me breakdown &parts for J.C. Higgins 22 cal. rifle
Century Arms was a brand name sold through Shapleigh Hardware of St Louis. It appears that the actual manufacturer was W.H.Davenport, 1891-1910.