The Account Setup and Maintenance function
If you are setting up your account in Access Online what happens to the account setup after you are done?
Control panel -> User accounts. Depending on your Windows version you might have to click "Manage another account" before given the possibility to "Create new account". Choose "Administrator" in the setup wizard.
If you are setting up your account in Access Online what happens to the account setup after you are done?
If you are setting up your account in Access Online what happens to the account setup after you are done?
If you are setting up your account in Access Online what happens to the account setup after you are done?
If you are setting up your account in Access Online what happens to the account setup after you are done?
Click the File for Later button
Select the Account Information link, and type a new address
Select the Account Information link, and type a new address
Click the File for Later button
The setup goes to my program administrator to complete