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The serial number on the security six is located on the bottom of the frame under the grip. the year of manufacture can be found here:

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Q: Serial number on Ruger security six?
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How do you find serial number on ruger security six?

You may need to remove grips- stamped on bottom the the frame (butt)

How old is a Ruger six shooter is Serial 817310?

Ruger's website has extensive serial number data.

What is the age of a Ruger Single Six serial 64-34168?

Ruger's website has extensive serial number data.

What year was the ruger single six serial number 69-02472 made?

Go to the Ruger website, customer service, historical data, revolver, find your model, and there is a serial number/ year of production list.With the serial number that you provided,your ruger single six was made by ruger in 1982.

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Your serial number indicates that your Ruger Single Six was made in late 1975.

What is the date of your Ruger single six serial number 430446?

no Ruger ref in front of me. Call ruger and they will tell you.

What is the year of your ruger single six- serial number 125689?

1960 according to the Ruger website.

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What is the age and value of a Ruger single six 22 cal serial number 810003?

Impossible to value on just the serial number. Call Ruger and they will tell you how old.

What is the year of manufacture ruger single six serial number 123364?

If the Ruger website is up, it has sn data

What is the age of a Ruger Single Six serial 68-46277?

That is a New Model single Six from 1981. Serial number age for the different Ruger revolvers can be found on Rugers website.