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Her name is not given in the original book.

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Q: Scrooge's nephew wife name
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What do you call your nephew's wife?

The English language has no special name for a nephew's wife and does not consider you to be related to you. You would simply call her "my nephew's wife."

What is your wife's nephew's son?

Your wife's nephew is your nephew and his son is your wife's, and your, great nephew.

What does Fred 's wife say about Scrooge?

Freds wife is supportive of he husband (Scrooges nephew) but sees that the old man is making life more difficult for himself and in part is sorry for the unrepentant old miser

What is your nephew's kid's wifes relationship name?

The English language has no relationship name for the wife of your great niece or great nephew.

What is the term for your wife's nephew's daughter?

Your wife's nephew is also your nephew. His daughter is your (and your wife's) great niece.

What relationship to you is your nephews wife?

Your wife's nephew is your nephew, but the English language has no relationship term for your nephew's wife. Just call her "my nephew's wife."

What is my nephew's wife's relationship to me?

There is no specific term in the English language to describe a relationship between you and your nephew's wife. Most people would say you are not related. If you must use some phrase, the phrase "my nephew's wife" is probably the clearest and most direct.

Who were apart of ebenezer Scrooges family?

Ebenezer Scrooge's family consisted of his deceased sister, Fan, who was his only sibling, and her son, Fred, who was Scrooge's nephew. Scrooge had a strained relationship with his family members due to his focus on wealth and lack of compassion.

What do you call your wife's nephew?

If your sister-in-law is married to your brother or sister, her nephew may be your nephew.Otherwise her nephew is not blood related to you, But he is related by marriage to you and he is stort of newphew in law.

What is your nephew?

The English language does not have a specific term for the wife of your nephew. If referring to her other than by name, you would simply call her "my nephew's wife" or, if you want to be more distant, "my great nephew's mother." It is quite normal to describe her as your niece. All of the foregoing answer is simply pussyfooting.

Do you call your niece's husband your nephew or nephew in-law?

The nephew of a wife and the nephew of her husband are not considered to be related to each other. However, both are nephews of the wife and the husband, and the wife and husband are aunt and uncle to both nephews.

What is the wife of Fred from A Christmas Carol named?

She is never referred to be name simply as Scrooges Niece, Fred's wife of when spoken of by Fred he will use the term "Darling"