When the trigger is pulled (or the hammer is pulled back), the HAND pushes against the STAR on the rear of the cylinder, causing the cylinder to rotate. The hand may be worn, the star may be worn, or the hand spring may be loose or broken, and is not moving the hand to the correct position. Any of the 3 are likely to require a gunsmith. In a few cases, dirt and carbon can build up on the star, causing the hand to slip. If a cleaning does not fix it, see a gunsmith.
1) ensure the revolver is unloaded and safe. 2) open the cylinder - Rossi marked their revolver model number on the frame behind the cylinder crane, ie: M31 etc.
You will have to call Rossi to find out.
No way to tell model from jus the serial number.
Your Rossi revolver fires the .38 special cartridge.
50-250 usd
100-250 or so
Check with Rossi Customer Service at 1-800- 948-8029.
In the owner's manual
100 USD or so
50-150 or so